• +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)

Contact Information

  • 1135, FF, Landmark Cyber Park, Sec 67, Gurugram, Haryana-122101

  • +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)


Negotiating For Success


Negotiating For Success program is designed for participants to 

  • Appreciate that the prime focus of a negotiator is to achieve a win-win agreement within the framework of organizational requirements 

  • Be aware of styles, approaches, and effective practices that can be used in most negotiation situations 


2 Days 

Managers in Mid and Senior Management roles 

Simulations, Videos, Case Studies, Classroom Lectures (Online) 

  • Introduction:

What is Negotiation? Structure of Negotiation, Criteria for Measuring Successful Negotiators, Key Elements of the Process, Power in Negotiation 

  • Effective Communication A Pre-Requisite:

Paraphrasing, Active Listening, Body Language 

  • Understanding Conflict:

What is Conflict? Causes of Conflict, Conflict Handling- Problems and Implications, Barriers to Conflict Resolution 

  • Role Of Trust:

Trust is a Critical Element in Successful Negotiations 

  • Negotiation Styles & Approaches:

5 Styles of Settlement, 8 Approaches to Succeed 

  • Preparing For Negotiation:

The Planning Process, Positioning in Negotiating, Relationship Mapping to Identify Key Influenc- ers Identifying Leverage Points, Determining a BATNA 


Participants will use simulations of at least 2 hours duration. They will also use simulations depicting real-life transactions. 

Sreelekha, Ambadi Murugappa 

Very good understanding after responding to this game 

Abinash Pattanayak, KSOM 

I got to know a lot of things from this game like how this is going to be used in the corporate world 




The key learning objectives of the program are 

  • Appreciate and relate to concepts and various aspects of product management 

  • Understand practices with respect to new product development 

  • Able to provide key inputs towards pricing strategy 

  • Appreciate importance of Product Management as a part of Marketing 

  • Be able to relate concepts to application of Product Management 

  • Be able to link practices with respect to new product development 


3 Days 

Managers in Mid and Senior Management roles

Simulations, Videos, Case Study, Classroom Lecture (Online)   

  • Introduction to Product Management 

  • Market Research & Analysis 

  • Product Ideation & Validation 

  • Design Process 

  • Product Development & Prioritization 

  • Branding & its Impact on Product 

  • Pricing and Monetization 

  • Go-To-Market Strategy 

  • Digital Marketing & Sales Strategy 

  • Metrics & Analytics 

  • Product Lines & Product Mix 

  • Wrap-Up 


Consumer Lifetime Value (Reuben’s Lift):

Reuben’s Lift is a simulation based on CLV. The participant will be required to take decisions related to customer acquisition cost in order to stay profitable. This simulation will be played over a simulated timeline of 4 years. 

Amresh Yadav- Engaging simulation with real-life scenario 

Simran Simmi- I enjoyed playing it. It gave me an opportunity to utilize the CLV concepts 

Pricing Strategy (Pricey):

Pricey simulation requires the participants to arrive at a high net present value of net profits by under- standing the cost dynamics and taking appropriate decisions. This simulation played over a simulated timeline of 3 years brings out the best in terms of the participant’s strategic thinking. 


Parth Mehul Makwana- Amazing learning experience

Saket Rathi- Nice analysis tool for learning 


Sales Leadership & Sales Force Effectiveness


The key learning objectives of the program are 

  • Participants will understand how to improve salesforce effectiveness with effective targeting, deployment, execution, engagement and enablement 

  • Participants will develop ability to lead a salesforce through impactful hiring and creative engagement of the salesforce 


2 Days

Managers in Mid and Senior Management roles

Simulations, Videos, Case Studies, Classroom Lectures (Online) 

  • What Is Salesforce Effectiveness 

  • Reasons For Diminishing Salesforce Effectiveness 

  • Focussing On 5 Critical Components 

  • High-value customers 

  • Direct resources to high payback options 

  • Face time with key accounts 

  • Productive interactions 

  • Sales support vs cost 

  • Key Account Management 

  • Sales Organization and Managing Sales Force 

  • Designing compensation and incentives for the sales force 

  • Evaluation of the sales team 

  • Channel management 

  • Sales Leadership 

  • Creating Purpose 

  • Business Acumen 

  • Analyzing Context 

  • Leading In Style 

  • Reaching Out 

  • Networking 

  • Influencing 

  • Building Trust 

  • Standing Steadfast 

  • Resilience 

  • Risk Taking 

  • Stress Handling 

  • Co-creating Solutions 

  • Collaborating 

  • Customer Empathy 

  • Accepting Feedback 

  • Leadership Impact on Salesforce Performance 



Jayesh Dhareshwar, Sundram Fasteners- "Wonderful program with a good insight on the types of Communications, Conflicts, Disputes, Power & Influencing, etc Will definitely use for future deals with customers for a fruitful and Win-Win conclusion. Thank you Avishkar and Debasish!! Appreciated!! "

Praveen C Bhatt, Daikin India- Very good exercise. It helps to recognise the character of a person.