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  • 1135, FF, Landmark Cyber Park, Sec 67, Gurugram, Haryana-122101

  • +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)


Mid Level-Hiring


The HL5-Personality Test assesses normal-range personality, attitudes, and organizational skills. It is widely utilized in career guidance and employment to match individuals' abilities and personalities to suitable roles or careers. Understanding what motivates individuals is crucial when assessing and developing them. The HL5 Personality Test combines scientific rigor and intuitive insights, making it a trusted tool used by organizations worldwide. It provides employers with a solid foundation for conducting interviews, feedback sessions, and productive conversations. The test offers comprehensive insights into individuals' driving forces, facilitating the formulation of role suitability and employee development strategies. 

It measures five core dimensions of personality:

1.    Openness to Experience: This dimension reflects a person's willingness to embrace new experiences, ideas, and ways of thinking. People high in openness tend to be imaginative, curious, and open-minded, while those low in openness may prefer routine and familiarity.

2.    Conscientiousness: Conscientious individuals are organized, responsible, and disciplined. They tend to plan ahead, work diligently to achieve their goals, and are generally reliable and detail-oriented.

3.    Extraversion: Extraversion measures the extent to which a person seeks social interactions and external stimulation. Extraverts are outgoing, energetic, and tend to enjoy social gatherings, while introverts are more reserved and prefer solitary or low-stimulation activities.

4.    Agreeableness: This dimension relates to a person's interpersonal tendencies, such as being compassionate, cooperative, and empathetic. People high in agreeableness are often considerate and value harmonious relationships, while those low in agreeableness may be more competitive or less concerned with others' feelings.

5.    Stability: Stability measures the tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and moodiness. Individuals low in stabilityy may be more prone to stress and emotional instability, while those high in stability are generally more emotionally resilient.

Hiring Solution, High-Potential Identification Promotions

40 minutes

Middle Managers & Senior Leaders

English+Other Indian Languages on Request

  • This test is used for various purposes:

    1.    Personal Growth and Self-Awareness: Individuals can use the results of this test to gain a better understanding of their own personality traits and tendencies. This self-awareness can help them make informed decisions about their careers, relationships, and personal development.

    2.    Career Development: Many employers use personality assessments as part of the hiring and promotion processes to evaluate candidates' fit for specific job roles and team dynamics.

    3.    Counseling and Coaching: Coaches and counselors may use the results of personality assessments to provide guidance and support to clients seeking personal or professional development.


Hi-Po Identification


This assessment as the name suggests is an insightful and streamlined assessment for your employees and potential hires. Developed by subject matter experts, this assessment comprises the most effective high-potential assessment tools for L&D and succession planning. Potential assessments are tools used to evaluate an individual's aptitudes, skills, abilities, and strengths in various areas. These assessments provide valuable insights into a person's potential for success in specific roles, tasks, or activities. Here are some reasons why potential assessments are used:

1.    Effective Talent Management: Potential assessments help organizations identify and nurture talent within their workforce. By assessing employees' potential, employers can strategically assign individuals to roles that align with their strengths, maximizing their contribution to the organization.

2.    Optimal Job Fit: Potential assessments aid in matching individuals with roles that align with their natural abilities and interests. This ensures that employees are more likely to excel in their positions, leading to higher job satisfaction and performance.

3.    Selection and Recruitment: Potential assessments assist in the hiring process by evaluating candidates' suitability for specific job roles. By identifying candidates with the right skills and potential, organizations can make more informed hiring decisions.

4.    Leadership Development: Potential assessments help identify individuals with leadership potential. This enables organizations to invest in leadership development programs to groom future leaders and ensure a smooth succession plan.

5.    Personal Development: Individuals can benefit from potential assessments by gaining insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. This information guides their personal and professional development, helping them make informed decisions about their career paths.

6.    Training and Learning Programs: Potential assessments inform the design of training and learning programs by tailoring content to individuals' specific strengths and developmental needs. This enhances the effectiveness of the training and accelerates skill development.

7.    Succession Planning: Organizations can use potential assessments to identify high-potential employees who can be groomed for key leadership positions in the future. This proactive approach ensures a pipeline of qualified leaders and reduces the risk of leadership gaps.

8.    Employee Engagement and Retention: When employees are placed in roles that align with their potential, they are more engaged and motivated. This, in turn, can improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

9.    Diversity and Inclusion: Potential assessments help ensure that diverse talents are recognized and utilized effectively. By assessing potential fairly and objectively, organizations can promote inclusivity and create a more diverse workforce.

10. Strategic Planning: Potential assessments provide valuable data for long-term strategic planning. Organizations can make informed decisions about resource allocation, skill development, and organizational growth based on the potential of their workforce.

11. Performance Improvement: Assessing potential can highlight areas where individuals may benefit from targeted performance improvement initiatives. This leads to more targeted coaching and support.

12. Goal Setting: Potential assessments assist individuals in setting realistic and achievable goals that leverage their strengths and capabilities. This can lead to increased motivation and a greater sense of accomplishment.

High Potential Assessment

60 minutes

Mid-Management & First Level Managers

English+Other Indian Languages On Request

  1. Usable report with insights
  2. Fits your purpose
  3. When used appropriately, potential assessments can contribute significantly to organizational success and individual growth.

Mid-Level & FLM Hiring


This assessment can help understand user behaviour with others in your organization. Information from this tool can help maximize the impact of actions, identify options for increasing job satisfaction and productivity, and explore alternative ways to achieve goals. The assessment report provides an explanation of the results and suggests ways to develop the skills involved. 

This instrument is a psychological assessment tool that measures an individual's interpersonal needs and behaviors. It is used for various purposes, including individual and team development, communication improvement, conflict resolution, and understanding interpersonal dynamics. Here are some reasons why Interpersonal Skill Assessment is used:

1.    Enhancing Self-Awareness: It helps individuals gain insights into their own interpersonal needs and behaviors. By understanding their preferences for inclusion, control, and affection, individuals can better navigate their interactions with others and make more informed decisions about their relationships.

2.    Improving Communication Skills: It provides a framework for understanding how different people have different needs in interpersonal interactions. This understanding can lead to improved communication skills as individuals learn to adapt their communication style to meet the needs of others.

3.    Team Building: It is often used in team-building workshops to help team members understand each other's interpersonal needs and behaviors. This knowledge can lead to improved collaboration, reduced misunderstandings, and a more harmonious team environment.

4.    Leadership Development: Insights provided can be valuable for leadership development programs. Leaders who understand their own interpersonal needs and behaviors can effectively manage and lead their teams, while also fostering a positive work environment.

Hiring Solution

30 minutes

Mid-Management & First Level Managers

English+Other Indian Languages on Request

  1. Usable report with insights
  2. Fits your purpose
  3. Multi-lingual option

All Levels- Hiring


This instrument is based on Goleman's four-quadrant Emotional Intelligence Competence Model (2002). As per this model Emotional Intelligence is divided into the four clusters of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management This assessment gives a guide to the user on which EI areas are already developed well and which ones require more focus. Using our Emotional Intelligence (EI) test can offer numerous benefits in both personal and professional settings. Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use emotions in oneself and others. Here's why using our Emotional Intelligence test is valuable:

1. Self-awareness: Helps individuals understand their own emotions, strengths, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness contributes to better self-management and decision-making.

2. Improved Relationships: Fosters better interpersonal relationships by enhancing empathy, understanding, and effective communication. This is particularly important in team dynamics, leadership roles, and customer interactions.

3. Leadership Development: Leaders with high EI can inspire and motivate their teams, build trust, and lead with empathy. EI contributes to effective leadership and the ability to manage and influence others.

4. Customer Service: In customer-facing roles, high EI enables professionals to understand and respond to customer emotions, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

7. Collaboration and Teamwork: EI fosters collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork. Individuals with strong EI work well with others and contribute positively to group dynamics.

8. Adaptability: EI helps individuals adapt to change, remain resilient, and handle unexpected challenges more effectively.

10. Hiring and Employee Development: In the workplace, our EI test assists in hiring candidates with the right emotional skills for specific roles and support the development of employees' emotional competencies.

Hiring Solution

30 minutes

Individual Contributors & All Management Levels

English+Other Indian Languages on Request

By using this Emotional Intelligence test, individuals and organizations can gain a deeper understanding of emotional competencies, fostering healthier relationships, improved communication, and enhanced well-being. It's important to note that while our EI test offers valuable insights, it should be used in conjunction with other assessments and methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's abilities and potential.


Mid-Level & FLM Hiring


The test is based on 16 competencies that are linked to the Execution Excellence competence cluster. There are 4 competence clusters (16 competencies) that are included in this test. They are Ideating, Norming, Teaming & Executing. This test brings out clearly the areas that lead to strong and weak execution of plans. Executing Excellence is one of the most required areas for the Junior and Mid-Level executives. 

This Execution Excellence Test is a tool used to assess an individual's or an organization's ability to effectively execute strategies, plans, and initiatives. It evaluates various aspects of execution capabilities to determine how well an organization or individual can translate ideas into action and achieve desired outcomes. Here are some ways in which an Execution Excellence Test can be useful:

1.    Strategic Alignment: The test helps organizations assess how well their execution efforts align with their overall strategic goals. It identifies whether there is clarity and alignment in understanding and prioritizing initiatives that contribute to strategic success.

2.    Performance Evaluation: An Execution Excellence Test provides a framework to evaluate an individual's or team's performance in executing projects and tasks. It measures factors such as timeliness, quality of execution, resource management, and adherence to plans.

3.    Process Improvement: By identifying strengths and weaknesses in execution processes, organizations can implement targeted improvements to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.

4.    Leadership Development: An individual's ability to lead and influence successful execution can be evaluated using such a test. It can identify areas where leadership skills need enhancement.

5.    Employee Development: An Execution Excellence Test can inform training and development initiatives to enhance employees' skills related to execution, project management, and decision-making.

6.    Customer Satisfaction: Effective execution often leads to improved customer satisfaction as products and services are delivered as planned and promised.

Hiring Solution

30 minutes

Mid-Management & First Level Managers

English+Other Indian Languages On Request

  1. Usable report with insights
  2. Fits your purpose
  3. When used alongside other performance assessment tools and strategies, Execution Excellence Test can contribute to improved execution capabilities and overall organizational success.

Leadership- Hiring


Assessments for leadership growth are valuable tools that provide insights into an individual's leadership strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for development. These assessments offer numerous benefits for both individuals seeking to enhance their leadership skills and organizations aiming to cultivate effective leaders. Here are some reasons why assessments for leadership growth are important: 

1.    Self-Awareness: Assessments provide individuals with a clear understanding of their current leadership style, strengths, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness is a critical first step in the process of leadership development. 

2.    Tailored Development: Assessment results help individuals and organizations design personalized development plans that focus on specific leadership competencies. This targeted approach ensures that efforts are aligned with areas needing improvement. 

3.    Identification of Leadership Potential: Assessments can identify individuals with leadership potential within an organization. This allows organizations to invest resources in developing these individuals and preparing them for future leadership roles. 

4.    Succession Planning: Organizations can use assessment data to create succession plans, ensuring a pipeline of qualified leaders who are ready to step into higher-level roles as needed. 

5 Motivation and Engagement: Effective leaders inspire and motivate their teams. Assessments can provide insights into a leader's ability to engage and energize their team members. 

6. Cultural Competence: In diverse workplaces, leaders must be culturally competent and sensitive to different perspectives. Assessments can highlight areas where leaders can improve their cultural awareness and inclusivity. 

7. Decision-Making: Leadership assessments often evaluate decision-making skills and the ability to balance short-term and long-term considerations. 

8. Communication and Influence: Effective leadership hinges on clear communication and the ability to influence and persuade others. Assessments can help leaders refine their communication strategies. 

9. Strategic Thinking: Leaders must have a strategic mindset. Assessments can shed light on an individual's ability to think strategically and make informed decisions that align with organizational goals. 

10. Team Performance: Effective leadership positively impacts team performance, morale, and productivity. Leadership assessments can help leaders understand their impact on team dynamics. 




English+Other Indian Languages On Request

Why Use:

Leadership assessments encourage ongoing personal and professional development, supporting individuals in their journey toward becoming more effective and influential leaders.