• +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)

Contact Information

  • 1135, FF, Landmark Cyber Park, Sec 67, Gurugram, Haryana-122101

  • +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)


First Time Manager


A study was conducted by The Ken Blanchard Companies with over 500 new managers, sometime back. It revealed that only 15% received new manager training prior to switching or soon after switching into the role of manager. As a result, at least 49% felt grossly unprepared to succeed. More than half reported receiving less than adequate training in critical areas like goal setting, inter-personal skills and performance counselling. Even after 6 months, nearly 63% of respondents still felt less effective in the new role and after 12 months 50% still felt somewhat ineffective. Make sure your managers are ready…. DON’T LET THEM SINK, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! 


  • Aligning with expectation 

  • What does a company management expect- from its First-Time Managers (FTM)? 

  • Why is this role critical to the success of a company? 


Frontline Mangers

Simulations, Videos, Case Study, Self-Assessments, Classroom Lecture (Online) 

2 Days 

  • Navigating organizational environment 

  • Design Structure, Functions, Departments, Levels, Roles & Span of Control 

  • Frameworks Policies, Rules & Guidelines Execution Systems, Processes & Procedures 

  • Resources People, Capital, Technology, Material & Time 

  • Reviews Audits & Feedback 

  • Managing the role and responsibilities 

  • Who is a manager? 

  • What does a manager’s role entail? What are the deliverables of a manager? 

  • Becoming 10X more effective 

  • One- Organizational Culture & Value Alignment 

  • Two- Transitioning Seamlessly  

  • Three- Decision Making in Chaos 

  • Four- Objective Goal setting & Reviewing Milestones 

  • Five- Superior Planning & Execution Rigour Six- Supporting Change Initiatives 

  • Seven- Effective Interpersonal Skills & Empa- thy 

  • Eight- Influencing 360 Degrees  

  • Nine- Creating an Innovative Team  

  • Ten- Keeping Team Morale High 


SIMULATON: iDeliver (Fundamental Management Processes)

Peggy Burns Lockheed Martin 

Nice format. Easy to navigate. Relatively clear explanations. I have some experience (Training) in P-CMM, so it was particularly a good refresher. 

Rashid Mohammed   Power Finance Corporation 

The simulation gave me a broad exposure to a real-world corporate management case. It was really effective, and the exercise have helped me to structure the thinking process and decision making. 

 Praveen C Bhatt Daikin India 

Communication with all possible alternatives very well designed. Looks like more practical. I really appreciate this simulation. 

 Johnson Mathia Schneider Electrical 

Great, good content & context... it helps us on daily professional & personal life. 

Shaswata Saha IIM Bangalore 

Gave a lovely real-world scenario in a gamified manner.


Negotiating For Success


Negotiating For Success program is designed for participants to 

  • Appreciate that the prime focus of a negotiator is to achieve a win-win agreement within the framework of organizational requirements 

  • Be aware of styles, approaches, and effective practices that can be used in most negotiation situations 


2 Days 

Managers in Mid and Senior Management roles 

Simulations, Videos, Case Studies, Classroom Lectures (Online)

  • Introduction:

What is Negotiation?

Structure of Negotiation, Criteria for Measuring Successful Negotiators, Key Elements of the Process, Power in Negotiation 

  • Effective Communication A Pre-Requisite:

Paraphrasing, Active Listening, Body Language 

  • Understanding Conflict:

What is Conflict? Causes of Conflict, Conflict Handling- Problems and Implications, Barriers to Conflict Resolution 

  • Role Of Trust:

Trust is a Critical Element in Successful Negotiations 

  • Negotiation Styles & Approaches:

5 Styles of Settlement, 8 Approaches to Succeed 

  • Preparing For Negotiation:

The Planning Process, Positioning in Negotiating, Relationship Mapping to Identify Key Influenc- ers Identifying Leverage Points, Determining a BATNA  

Participants will use simulations of at least 2 hours duration. They will also use simulations depicting real-life transactions. 

Sreelekha, Ambadi Murugappa 

Very good understanding after responding to this simulation

Abinash Pattanayak, KSOM 

I got to know a lot of things from this simulation like how this is going to be used in the corporate world 




LTAG program is designed to make participants learn the art and science of leading a team while handling diverse personalities and priorities Use conflict as a positive and productive force in the workplace and build a collaborative team 


  • How to lead teams and influence people 

  • How leaders shape team decision-making and performance in competitive and time-sensitive situations 

  • How opposing interests and asymmetric information affect team dynamics 

  • How teams decide and leaders deal with trade-offs between short-term task completion and longer-term task effectiveness 


2 Days

Employees with 7-10 years of experience (current managers and employees with managerial potential)  

Simulations, Videos, Case Studies, Classroom Lectures (Online/ Offline)


SIMULATION: Antarctica

  • Antarctica is an amazing trekking simulation game that dares you to battle the cold, the thin atmosphere, the wind and the snow! 

  • A leader and a team venture out with the objective to reach South Pole 

  • The simulation makes the participants learn leadership, conflict handling, communication challenges and resource allocation


Sreelekha, Ambadi Murugappa:

Very good understanding after responding to this simulation

Abinash Pattanayak, KSOM:

I got to know a lot of things from this simulation like how this is going to be used in the corporate world




Can leaders manage their unconscious biases more effectively? OBCI is designed to give an overview of the dynamic nature of bias and help build inclusive teams. Participant will also understand the interplay between own personality and team dynamics in creating an inclusive team with belongingness. 

1 Day 

Employees in 5-10 years’ work experience range 

Simulations, Videos, Case Study, Classroom Lecture (Online/ Offline)

  • What is Unconscious Bias and how does it manifest 

  • Relation between Diversity and Inclusion, and Unconscious Bias 

  • How inclusive leadership becomes a catalyst for organizational growth 

  • Better utilization of competent talent 

  • Reduced inter and intra-team conflicts, and better organizational problem solving 



  • "What Say" is a highly engaging and unique simulation based on Bias Awareness & Inclusive Team concepts
  • Participants go through two eventful days in a new company, their interaction styles are tracked and feedback provided for improved inclusiveness
  • Participants will be able to appreciate the dynamic nature of Bias





Counselling is a program that makes the participants understand the critical role of communication in a manager-employee setting. The participant will understand the different stages of counselling and how to navigate through them 


  • Discover the challenges of counselling for performance and ways to overcome them 

  • Understand the key ideas for building resilience in teams 

  • Learn the role emotions play in influencing our behaviour and the behaviour of others 


1 Day 

With 7-10 years of experience (current managers and employees with managerial potential) 

Simulations, Videos, Case Study, Classroom Lecture (Online/ Offline)


SIMULATION: Key Performer

  • Key Performer is a branched simulation of counselling session between the participant and a team member 

  • Participant is expected to navigate the conversation in such a manner that the team member stays open to feedback and course correction






Is a logical way of hiring the right candidate in an interview situation. Participants will understand how to match a candidate to a role in the most appropriate manner. 

Appreciate the role of Job Description in an interview 

Learn how to use a competence framework and identify the competencies demonstrated by a candidate 

2 Days  

Who is responsible for interviewing candidates 

Simulations, Videos, Case Studies, Classroom Lectures (Online/ Offline) 

Module 1: Introduction to Objective Goal Setting and Performance Counselling

  1. Understanding the Importance of Clear and Meaningful Goal Setting.
  2. Role of Performance Counselling in Employee Development and Organisational Success.

Module 2: Principles of Effective Goal Setting

  1. SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound.
  2. Aligning Individual and Team Goals with Organisational Objectives.

Module 3: Establishing Performance Metrics and KPIs

  1. Defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Different Roles.
  2. Measuring Progress and Performance Against Set Metrics.

Module 4: Setting Developmental Goals

  1. Balancing Performance Goals with Developmental Objectives.
  2. Creating Personal Growth and Skill Enhancement Goals.

Module 5: Providing Constructive Feedback

  1. Effective Feedback Principles: Timely, Specific, Actionable, and Respectful.
  2. Delivering Feedback for Performance Improvement.

Module 6: Performance Counselling Techniques

  1. The Performance Counselling Process: Preparation, Discussion, and Follow-Up.
  2. Conducting Productive and Solution-Oriented Counselling Sessions.

Module 7: Addressing Performance Gaps

  1. Identifying Root Causes of Performance Issues.
  2. Developing Action Plans for Performance Improvement.

Module 8: Recognizing and Rewarding Performance

  1. Strategies for Acknowledging and Rewarding Achievements.
  2. Linking Performance Recognition to Motivation and Engagement.

Module 9: Managing Underperformance and Challenges

  1. Approaches to Addressing Underperformance: Coaching, Training, and Support.
  2. Constructive Communication in Difficult Performance Conversations.

Module 10: Goal Alignment and Cascading

  1. Cascading Organisational Goals Down to Team and Individual Levels.
  2. Ensuring Clarity and Consistency in Goal Setting Across the Organisation.

Module 11: Goal Review and Monitoring

  1. Regularly Reviewing Progress Toward Goals.
  2. Continuous Feedback and Adjustments for Goal Achievement.

Module 12: Continuous Improvement and Personal Development

  1. Self-Assessment and Reflection: Identifying Areas for Improvement.

Strategies for Ongoing Learning and Skill Development in Goal Setting and Counselling.

SIMULATION: BEIng Interviewer

  • Being an Interviewer simulates interviews with candidates 

  • Participants will learn how to understand the candidate responses in a better way and how to identify the competence levels of candidates using the requirement framework