• +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)

Contact Information

  • 1135, FF, Landmark Cyber Park, Sec 67, Gurugram, Haryana-122101

  • +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)





CL program is designed for participants to use a Situational Leadership framework to align leadership style as required for the given context. 

  • Participants should be able appreciate methods to improve team achievements 

  • Participants should be able to increase employee satisfaction 



  • Appreciate the role of leadership style in achieving team goals 

  • Identify situations that might be impacting team morale 

  • Understand the need to develop employees and keep them motivated 


1 Day 

First Level Managers & New Managers 

Simulations, Videos, Case Studies, Classroom Lectures (Online/ Offline) 

Module 1: Introduction to Contextual Leadership and Effective Delegation

  1. Understanding Contextual Leadership: Definition, Importance, and Benefits.
  2. The Link Between Contextual Leadership and Effective Delegation.

Module 2: Leadership Styles and Situational Adaptation

  1. Exploring Different Leadership Styles: Autocratic, Democratic, Transformational, etc.
  2. Situational Leadership Model: Adapting Leadership Styles to Different Scenarios.

Module 3: Understanding Organisational Contexts

  1. Organisational Culture and Its Impact on Leadership.
  2. Leading in Different Organisational Structures: Hierarchical, Flat, Matrix, etc.

Module 4: Leading Teams in Various Contexts

  1. Leading Cross-Functional and Multidisciplinary Teams.
  2. Team Dynamics and Leadership in Remote and Virtual Settings.

Module 5: Adapting Leadership to Individual Team Members

  1. Recognizing Individual Differences: Personality, Skills, and Motivation.
  2. Tailoring Leadership to the Needs of Team Members.

Module 6: Leading During Change and Uncertainty

  1. Leading Through Change Initiatives: Communication and Employee Engagement.
  2. Adapting Leadership Approaches During Times of Uncertainty.

Module 7: Cultural Intelligence and Global Leadership

  1. Cultural Context: Leading Diverse and Multicultural Teams.
  2. Cultural Intelligence and Effective Cross-Cultural Leadership.

Module 8: Delegation Principles and Techniques

  1. Benefits of Delegation: Empowerment, Efficiency, and Skill Development.
  2. Delegation Process: Task Selection, Assignment, Monitoring, and Feedback.

Module 9: Overcoming Delegation Challenges

  1. Overcoming Micromanagement Tendencies.
  2. Dealing with Resistance to Delegation and Empowerment.

Module 10: Delegation and Team Performance

  1. Impact of Effective Delegation on Team Performance and Morale.
  2. Setting Clear Expectations and Accountability Through Delegation.

Module 11: Developing Delegation Skills

  1. Effective Communication in Delegating Tasks.
  2. Providing Constructive Feedback and Support.

Module 12: Evaluating Delegation Success and Continuous Improvement

  1. Monitoring and Assessing Delegated Tasks.
  2. Reflecting on Delegation Outcomes and Identifying Areas for Improvement.

Activities and Learning Methods:

  1. Case studies and real-world examples.
  2. Group discussions and peer sharing.
  3. Interactive workshops and role-playing exercises.
  4. Guest speakers sharing their experiences in contextual leadership and effective delegation.
  5. Scenario-based simulations for practicing different leadership approaches.
  6. Delegation role-playing and feedback sessions.
  7. Cross-cultural communication exercises.
  8. Action planning and goal setting.

This content outline aims to provide a comprehensive training program that helps participants develop contextual leadership skills, adapt their leadership approach to different situations, and effectively delegate tasks to drive team and organisational success. The program emphasizes practical application, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills in various leadership and delegation contexts.

SIMULATION: LEADS (Contextual Leadership)